None of us would deny that the present ‘pandemic-times’ we are living in have changed our lives drastically. There seems to be a note of melancholy and hopelessness hovering over the face of the earth. Moreover, brokenness, depression, fear, guilt feeling, anxiety, unemployment, relationship problems, health issues are perhaps just some of the few mountains that we all might be facing every single day. For many, living in this End Times can be described as waking up and walking straight into the storm every single day. Isn’t it? But there is still good news for those who believe and wait upon the LORD. The Bible says in Isaiah 40:31 - “ But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as EAGLES; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Yes, it is time for us to rise up from the ashes of pain, fear, guilt feeling and hopelessness and take our flight of courage and rebirth just like an Eagle. Are we ready to renew our youth and strength to soar high like an eagle by keeping our faith in CHRIST JESUS?

The Eagle is not only a bird of prey but it is also a bird of strength, sharp focus, wisdom, tremendous courage and power. There are only two animals on planet earth that the creator God identifies himself with, the Lion and the Eagle. As believers in Christ Jesus, we have a lot to learn from the life of an Eagle. The Eagle is the only bird which chooses to fly alone and above all the other birds. The eagle is the only bird which dares to face the storm and fly straight into it. The storm is just the perfect position for the eagle to spread its wings and lift itself higher. Whereas, all the other birds fly back and hide in their nests. The believers in Christ JESUS are born to be like an eagle, who is never afraid of stormy challenges and obstacles, rather they relish them and use them profitably. That is exactly how we can soar high like an eagle.
No matter what the challenges are, we can always choose to stay focused on Christ and courageously spread our wings in the storm like an eagle and lift ourselves higher above all the negativities, knowing that HE is GOD IN THE STORM. Amen!
The Eagle is also a perfect example of how we can be renewed and rejuvenated both physically and mentally. God’s amazing power can renew our strength and youth like an eagle. This entire process of transformation or renewal of strength may sound very painful and difficult but the life of an eagle is a living example that it is absolutely possible. An eagle can live up to the age of 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle has to take an important decision to go through a painful process of transformation. The eagle starts losing its youth and strength when it reaches the age of 40. Its long and flexible talons can no longer grab preys. It becomes difficult for the eagle to pick food due to a bent in its long and sharp beak. Feathers become thick and wings become heavy making it almost impossible for the eagle to fly. During this critical stage of life, the eagle is left with only two options, either to wither and die or to go through a very painful process of transformation to survive.
Sometimes, in life we too are left with these very two same options. Death can never be an option. Premature death is not our portion. The Bible teaches us that JESUS came to give us life. Therefore, as followers of CHRIST we must always be bold and courageous like an eagle in choosing life even if it demands a painful process of change. In this painful process of transformation, the eagle builds a nest on the top of a mountain where is continuously knocks its beak till it gets completely plucked out. Then the eagle keeps waiting in tremendous pain till a new beak grows with which it then starts plucking off its old talons. After the growth of new talons, the eagle then plucks off its aged and heavy feathers and keeps waiting till new feathers are grown. After the end of this painful process of transformation, the eagle takes its new flight of rebirth and lives for another 30 years. Amazing, isn’t it?
Just like the eagle, when we are faced with challenges and difficulties, we should be strong and fearless enough to make changes in our life. Just like the eagle we too can become renewed in the Spirit of God and not only live a satisfactory life here on earth but also live and reign forever with CHRIST. The Bible teaches us to be NEW CREATIONS in CHRIST. (2 Corinthians 5:17) says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Becoming a new creation in Christ demands a solemn decision of certain changes to be taken and a painful process of transformation. It is a decision we must take to unfollow the crowd and start following JESUS. It is a painful process of departing from a sinful life and becoming renewed in the Spirit of God. It is a complete change of our thought process and lifestyle which then becomes a living Bible for the whole world to read and be inspired by.
Let us not forget that the sole purpose of our life is to save and win souls for HIS kingdom. We are running out of time for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Therefore, today let us take this firm decision just like an eagle, to accept the required changes and go through a painful process of transformation by the Spirit of God and become NEW CREATIONS in CHRIST. Our famous flight of REBIRTH to soar high like an EAGLE is just a decision away!
Sukanya Banerjee is a Communicator, Vocalist, Writer, English Trainer, Speaker and a Radio Jockey. We would love to get a feedback from you about this article. Kindly post a comment below. Thank you.