Dedicated to the memory of
Reverend Emmanuel Ejimole Nwosu.
(September 13, 1939 - March 31, 2021)
“When peace like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul”
Papo, I never knew 31st of March, 2021 would be a day not to be forgotten; the day you were called to glory. I wish I could tell you to stay longer with us but you have already departed. I am grateful to God Almighty for the privilege of being your son. You were a caring and loving father who sacrificed all to make me what I am today. I will forever be grateful to you. You taught me how to be humble, respectful, hardworking and patient. You were our pillar.
You were there to encourage us during our difficult moments. You were indeed a good and perfect daddy. Your departure has created a big vacuum in our lives but we trust in God's grace to continue to help us. You have fought the fight and kept the faith and there awaits you, a Crown of Glory. I miss you greatly but as mortals, we cannot question the acts of God. Keep resting in the blossom of our Lord until we meet at the feet of our Lord.
Adieu, beloved daddy PAPO.
Your Son,
Dr. Joseph Uzoma Nwosu.
Oh, my lovely Papo… you were the best father in the whole world. You left a lasting legacy of prayer in me by the way you always prayed for us even till death. If there is indeed another world after this, you will forever be my father. I and my entire family miss you Papo. Rest in the blossom of the Lord.
Adieu, beloved daddy PAPO.
Ezinne Inji (Your first daughter)
Daddy. Up till now it feels like a dream to me. If I am told that death will take you away from me so soon I will not believe it. Daddy, you have always been my counselor when I had no one to turn to.
I sincerely appreciate the positive impact you made in my life. You introduced me to God through your selfless service to God’s work which can never be forgotten. Daddy while you were on that bed you still live in my heart. I remembered all your whispering word of wisdom.
Daddy, the space you left in our lives cannot easily be filled. You always want to see peace all the time There must be laughter on the faces of any person around you. Daddy, your humanity to people around you is emblem.
My Daddy, Rev. EMMANUEL EJIMOLE NWOSU, A. K. A. PAPA … you lived a Christian life. I don’t have any doubt your exit is glorious. Until we meet again, sleep well Daddy.
Your daughter:
Mrs. Ngozi c Osunkwo
The one and only PAPOOOOO! I could write a whole epistle about you. I will try my best to keep it short!
So, it’s actually true that you have gone? I was speechless when I heard about your exit. I wished it was a dream. But alas… it’s real. Speaking the truth in tribute about you is quite easy for me because you were indeed a Christian. I have been spared the challenge of cooking up good stories that I know is really not true because you sincerely loved Jesus and would do everything humanly possible to please Him.
I have met so many humble people but none compares to you. You were so humble it sometimes hurt because you would rather suffer pain, injustice and ridicule for something you were clearly innocent of than stir up quarrel or crises. You NEVER sought position or recognition. You were 100% ‘comfortable in your skin’ and never wanted to be anyone or anything that God in His supreme wisdom has not made you. You were NEVER in competition with anybody. You were indeed a man of peace.
You were very dedicated and committed to the things of God. “Chai… I never see”. First to arrive and last to leave just to make sure everything was done properly. You were never greedy. You would see an opportunity to divert funds for personal gains but would rather choose to do the right thing because you love the Lord. You never settled for riches that would separate you from the love of God. You would rather be ‘poor’ than sin against God. You are indeed a star.
You were a brave man. You tried your best to save a man shot by hired assassins by single-handedly transporting him to the hospital on your motorbike just because that was all you had then to quickly save the man’s life. For that singular act, I stand in awe.
You were a man of peace who would not rest until an issue is resolved. You would be the first to apologize for something you have been wrongly accused of. I can’t even remember anytime I have seen you angry to the point of raising your voice.
You prayed for me every time we spoke on the phone. I know you did the same for everyone you made contact with. You had hope. You had faith. You had Jesus.
I could go on and on about how peculiar a dad you were to me and the family because you were such a unique man who truly loved Jesus but I have noticed that my tribute is getting longer than the rest. I cannot end this tribute without talking about how funny a man you were. Occasionally, I remember your jokes and just laugh. You made so many people around you happy… laughing at your jokes and funny demeanors is a regular treat of those around you. One thing I never understood was your unique choice of exclamation when surprised or excited... “ABRAHAM” eventually became your trademark exclamation. I always wondered what Father Abraham did to you… well, at least… I believe by now, you have really met the real Father Abraham.
Sleep on Daddy. You have completed an excellent race and now, as you rest in the bosom of God our Father, I believe you are joining the hosts of heaven in cheering us on in this Christian race. Till we meet… I have nothing to say but exclaim… “ABRAHAM”
Your son in whom you are well pleased…
Dr. Michael Chidubem
Life is indeed a journey. A time to be born and a time to die. I still find it hard to comprehend that you have actually departed. Papo as you are called by all of us, I miss you so much. You taught me humility, hard work, punctuality and above all the fear of God. Continue to rest in God's bosom till we meet to part no more. Good night daddy.
From your beloved daughter,
Victoria Onwuegbu (nee Nwosu) alias Vicky, Vacka, Vucku
Love leaves a memory no one can steal, but death leaves a memory no one can heal. It's sad to know that you're no more, but again it is a loving memory for me when I think about your life and all you did. You were a good man with a good heart. You advised me and did your best to provide for your family. You tried your best in helping people. I am saddened that death took you away, but God said in everything we should give thanks. Your death left a scar in my heart, but your legacy will stand in my life. I miss you Papo. Adieu.
From your beloved daughter,
Esther Stephen
When the mirror is broken you no longer see your image. On the 31st of March, 2021 you departed this world to join the saints. It has not been the same again for me.
Daddy, you were the mirror at which I looked at my life, You were the mirror at which I look at myself; Now it's empty and I feel it in my soul.
I don't have the words to express how much I miss you. I will always cherish all the wonderful memories. We'll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that warm embrace.
Dad, I really miss you. I never knew you would leave us so suddenly. I am saddened that death took you away, but God said in all things we should give HIM thanks. Your death left a scar in our hearts but your legacy will stand in our life. You are my;
From your beloved Son
Nnamdi Nwosu
Sorrow comes in great waves...but it rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us, it passes and we remain.
A man as humble and loving as Grandpa will always be remembered by those of us who knew him and loved him. Although we will miss him. His smile, his jokes, his love, we take consolation in the good feelings of our memories. Grandpa, (PAPO) we will always miss you. But I have so many wonderful memories to hang on to. You were a role model, and a friend to many.
Your guidance and love will carry us through to the end of days. I love you Grandpa, until we meet again.
Patience Nwosu